Thursday, May 15, 2008

Federal funds to pay for mandarin in Saginaw, MI

"Hundreds of Saginaw School District students could begin learning Mandarin Chinese in the fall."

What is interesting about this article is the push the schools are making with spanish...we see this time and again - spanish over mandarin - not the optimal emphasis, in our opinion....

Click here to see the full article

Friday, May 9, 2008

You Have 7 Years to Learn Mandarin

Good article from Fortune on the growth of China's economy vs. the U.S.

Interesting quote:
"...[B]ecause China has grown so stupendously during the past decade, it should still be able to take the crown in just seven more years.

If that happens, America will close out a 125-year run as the No. 1 economy. We assumed the title in 1890 from - guess who. Britain? France? No. The world's largest economy until 1890 was China's. That's why Maddison says he expects China to "resume its natural role as the world's largest economy by 2015."

For the full article, click here

And the astute parent award of the day goes to....

....Abby Anders from California. Good quote from her in a recent article in the San Diego Union Tribune, which highlighted Riverview Elementary School's tri-lingual immersion program (english, spanish, and mandarin).

From the article:
Abby Anders said she is excited that her daughter, Kaya, will be learning about Chinese culture. “That's very important exposure,” she said. “It's hard not to want to do that when you see what their world is going to be like at every level, in diplomacy, trade, even militarily."

For the full article, please click here

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Why China is the REAL master of the universe

From the UK-based newspaper Daily Mail, an interesting view on China's rise....

Why China is the REAL master of the universe

Reason #2 to teach your kids mandarin

In the future, Chinese investors may own more than just $1 trillion of US Gov debt.

China to allow investment into U.S. stocks, funds

From the article:
"Chinese investors are moving beyond US gov securities....from the article: "China banking and securities regulators signed an agreement with their U.S. counterparts that will help to lay the groundwork to enable Chinese investors to buy and sell U.S. stocks and mutual funds."